Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation

The department’s primary focus is teaching, with also carrying out high level of research and services related to our fields of expertise. We focus on education and research related to the general fields of water management and environmental hydrology, wile also coordinating education and research activities related to geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) with other institutes and departments.  Our Climate Adaptation Group primarily foruses on related fields of meteorology, while alsi addressing issues of adaptation strategies and technologies, from traditional water management systems to modern precision irrigation technologies and data collection and processing applications.

Off-Campus Water Conservation Support
Besides providing regular classes and carrying out research, our department also aims to provide off-campus water conservation support. Students of our general courses (Agrometeorology and Water management [KORTU017N], Water Treatment and Utilization [KORTU193N], Water Management, Water Quality [KORTU187N], Water Resources Engineering [KORTU191N]) are encouraged to engage with their local communities and share their knowledge and skills related to water management. We are particularly focused on engaging with communities within the watershed of the Rákos-stream (our local stream close to Szent István Campus). We have recently demonstrated our related expertise at a conference organized by local NGO’s (link). Data from our meteorolgical station in Gödöllő  is publicly available (link), and we are also currently developing a local soil moisture estimation system, to provide timely information for irrigation to locals, based on the results of our research project (FK12480).​​​​​​​

Department Staff:

Head of Department: István Waltner, Ph.D.

Water Management and Environmental Hydrology Group

Group Leader: Zoltán Vekerdy, Ph.D.
István Waltner, Ph.D.
Zsuzsanna Harkányiné Székely, Ph.D.
János Grósz, Ph.D.
Tibor Rácz, Ph.D.
Gábor Halupka
István Waltner, Ph.D.

Climate Adaptation Group

Group Leader: László Bozó, D.Sc.
Gusztáv Jakab, Ph.D.
Györgyi Gelybó, Ph.D.

Contact Information:

Szent István Campus (2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1.) Main Building, Room 2071
Phone: +3628522000 ext. 1830